Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods and Analysis
Pairs trading is a market-neutral trading strategy that involves matching a long position with a short position in two highly correlated assets. The concept relies on statistical measures, where one believes that the prices of two correlated stocks will converge over time. In Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods and Analysis,Ganapathy Vidyamurthy provides a comprehensive examination of the quantitative techniques employed in pairs trading. This book is instrumental for traders and financial analysts who want to deepen their understanding of statistical arbitrage.
Vidyamurthy covers various models and methods, including cointegration and mean-reversion strategies, which are essential for identifying optimal pairs for trading. The book also discusses the importance of risk management and the development of trading systems that enhance profitability while minimizing losses.
For those interested in accessing the content, finding a PDF version for free download can be tempting. However, it is essential to recognize copyright laws and the importance of supporting authors and publishers by purchasing books legally. Exploring the quantitative analysis and methods presented in this book could enhance one’s trading strategy, making it a valuable resource for anyone serious about pairs trading in financial markets.